Each season, Causebox subscribers receive a box containing $150 worth of socially conscious women's products, handpicked by Sevenly, from companies trying to change the world.

They came to us looking for a new website with improved messaging that would lead to increased engagement and visibility.
We developed a simple, yet elegant, style of iconography that works with their brand colors and helps tell their story.
With the goal of increasing conversion rates, we broke down the checkout process and came up with an extremely intuitive user interface. The idea was to make the experience as frictionless as possible, reducing barriers to completing checkout.

Once we'd developed the optimal flow to help people get through the process, we custom built a 3-step checkout flow that syncs with Craft for user authentication + registration, and Recurly for subscription payment handling. The checkout process also handles shipping costs and coupon discounts in real-time.
For recurring subscriptions, we interfaced Craft with the Recurly API. This allowed us to build a dynamic state-aware interface using Javascript. Despite its complexity, the Causebox team can manage most everything through the Craft Admin Panel.
Customers are able to access their payment information and order history through a custom account portal. This interface communicates with Recurly to fetch and modify customer data.


Each season, Causebox subscribers receive a box containing $150 worth of socially conscious women's products, handpicked by Sevenly, from compani Read More
